Don't Move (2024)

director: Adam Schindler, Brian Netto
release-year: 2024
genres: horror, thriller, psychological
countries: USA
languages: English

A girl out for a suicide jog is talked down from a cliff by Finn Wittrock (man-child clown lover from American Horror Story). Finn talks her down so he can drug her and murder her violently, as he's a happy family man who dabbles in serial killing as a stress relief technique.

See what happens when you doubt yourself?

He injects her with a paralysis agent, and she takes off into the forest. It's a cat-and-mouse game between the hunter and his pre-paralyzed prey. She is saved several times through sheer luck of interfering townsfolk.

Where does one buy paralysis shots?

Ultimately, he loses a physical fight to a catatonic woman.

See what happens when you over-complicate things?