You Were Never Really Here (2017)

director: Lynne Ramsay
release-year: 2017
genres: thriller, arthouse, psychological
countries: USA
languages: English

Big-bearded and moderately perturbed Joaquin Phoenix loves his mum, hates himself, but really, really hates people who traffic children.

Suffocation is his preferred method of relaxation.

This is a one-man play. Other characters get a line or two here or there, but mostly Phoenix mopes around muttering to himself and having cryptic flashbacks.

Hope you like Phoenix's face, because you'll be seeing 2 hours of it.

Deputy Commissioner Rawls contacts Phoenix through a network of NYC bodegas to inform him when and where to go whack pedos with a hammer. Rawls is fourth billed, and gets one talking scene.

His stock of green candies is running low.

Phoenix patiently stakes out his targets, casually meanders inside, and nonchalantly whacks all the pedos with a hammer.

He likes his hammers small and personal.

The danger and violence doesn't phase Phoenix too terribly much, because he's all torn up about a girl who got murdered over a chocolate bar during a war. He routinely thinks about suicide and tosses knives at his own feet, so he doesn't hold is own personal safety in the highest regard.

Knives are not to be used on pedos, though.  Only hammers.

Rawls sends him after a state senator's daughter, and he recovers her with naught but a bit of hammer whacking, but it turns out there's a child-napping deep state. The deep state re-kidnaps the girl and murders everyone Phoenix has ever known. Rawls gets a second scene, but he's not doing any talking.

Politicians are not painted in the nicest light.

Phoenix is only distressed about the murder of his mother. He beautifully buries her at sea, ruining his suit.

His home is still full of other dead bodies.

He heads out for revenge, whacks some people with hammers, and discovers that the girl has already saved herself. They casually acknowledge each other in Ghost Doggy silence.

Neither of them are top conversationalists.

Then they go for milkshakes and sadness.

Soon they will learn about forensic science.