Welp AKA Cub (2014)
director: | Jonas Govaerts |
release-year: | 2014 |
genres: | horror, shocktober, werewolf |
countries: | Belgium |
languages: | Dutch |
fests: | SHOCKtober 2024: WOLFtober |
An IndieGoGo crowdfunded Flemish flick, and part of WOLFtober only in spirit as it is not actually about werewolves, our opening scene wolfman is looking more like a treeman. The fact that it's kickstarted didn't prevent them from shooting and scoring it professionally. The music is 80s horror throwback.

The scout masters of a Belgian cub scout troop try to scare the kids by telling them they camp at their own risk tonight because of recent sightings of "Kai", a boy who lives in the woods and becomes a werewolf at night. The little kids call their bluff. The incompetent scout lead almost runs over the third scout lead, Jasmijn, in their scout… uh… military transport vehicle.

Some go-karting, French-speaking jerks, in the role of the harbingers, try to warn them not to keep driving beyond the camp site. They keep driving, fording a shallow river, which sets off an alarm in some mysterious underground compound.

The local cop, a fat guy on a miniature 20cc moped, goes out to warn the scouts not to camp where they are, and sets off more underground alarms and a booby trap. He says a nearby factory shutdown, some employees didn't take it well, and several of them hung themselves in these very woods. The cop doesn't make it home.

While Sam, the bullied kid, digs an extraordinarily deep latrine, a dirty, feral boy hops down from a tree and watches him stealthily. Sam runs back to tell them he saw the Kai, and they bully him. Sam goes off on his own and finds a megafortress treehouse. He doesn't see Kai watching him from the treetops.

Kai sneaks around in their tent while they sleep, dripping goop on the sleeping children, and stealing small items like a scavenging bird. Sam goes looking for Kai, and tries to befriend him with offerings of dog food. He is successful.

One of the French jerks comes into the woods, gets harassed by a fully-out-in-the-daytime Kai, sets off a trap, and gets a bee hive arrowed firmly into his stomach.

The kids play capture-the-flag-from-the-Werewolf, where the werewolf is one of the camp counselors in a costume. This gives them a reason to split up and run off into the woods at night. Sam stumbles on the other two counselors hooking up, and the counselor's dog bites him. Kai, now friend, comes by at night to help him capture and subsequently beat the dog violently to death. Kai finishes the job with his teeth. The counselor shows up just in time to find Sam standing over the bloody dog corpse with a stick.

Sam runs off into the woods and everybody splits up to find him. Jasmijn gets captured in a tent trap, Sam finds the underground compound where Kai and his dad live, and everybody finds a bunch of corpses. The boss fight between the dad and the camp counselor is rather pathetic, and the counselor ends up like Big Ed.

The final counselor beats the shit out of Sam out of revenge for his dog, but gets interrupted by Kai's dad, who runs people over all willy-nilly in a truck until the kids devise a ridiculous plan to blow it up.

Kai and Sam stop being friends, and Sam throws Kai down a well so he can save Jasmijn. Kai's dad makes a 80s horror return, bloodied and burned, to make them fight to the death. Sam joins Kai in the well, and is reborn as the new Kai. The credits stutter weirdly, like it's somebody repeatedly pressing the down key in a Word document.