Shocker (1989)
director: | Wes Craven |
release-year: | 1989 |
genres: | horror, scifi |
countries: | USA |
languages: | English |
Small-town suburban Minnesota, reeling from a string of unsolved serial killings, gets its first lead when the head detective's football-star son bangs his head during football practice and suddenly starts having perfect murder premonitions in his dreams. He guides them to a TV repair guy with a penchant for electricity. His girlfriend is serial killed in retribution, but delivers him a magical talisman from beyond the grave via his dreams.

"That's against procedure and you know it!" "Yeah, well fuck procedure, dad!"

Not taken seriously by his father and the police department, our man Jonathan starts taking naps to track down the killer: Assistant Director Skinner from The X-Files. That works great, and they smack each other around through skylights and attic vents on a rooftop. The cops get there just in time, and drag the killer away.

80s hair metal montages us into his execution day in prison. But he's busy electrocuting himself in his prison cell, having connected himself to a disassembled TV with a set of jumper cables. How is any of this in a prison cell? He has a bunch of satanic books and candles, too, and a TV demon pops out of the TV and grants him an evil wish.

The unrepentant asshole murderer injures several cops in his walk to the chair, where he cackles with glee leading up to his electrocution. He survives, magically gains the ability to shoot lightning, zaps a lady doctor, and goes missing. Jonathan finds him standing weirdly behind a door, where he falls over, bursts into flame, and vanishes.

Lady doctor violently kills the cops assigned to take her to the hospital, because she's no normal lady doctor anymore. Jonathan immediately figure out that he's a body-hopping serial killer now, but his over-acting dad just isn't having it. The killer zaps around from passerby to passerby, each one trying and failing to revenge-kill Jonathan. Nobody believes him except the football team.

Jonathan is just about to die when his dead girlfriend's ghost deus ex machinas into the room and tells him "no!" and he yells "no!" and they all yell "no!" She sprays the static electro-ghost of the murderer with her glowing white ghost beams, which briefly disables him. She crawls around slowly and uselessly on the ground for some reason, while the murderer hops into a power outlet.

The killer gets zapped into the satellite TV network. Jonathan convinces a newscaster to film a live interview with him to lure the killer, while the football team goes all Ghostbusters behind the scenes. Seemingly forgetting about the interview plot, Jonathan instead jumps into the TV and has an excessively long chase scene through a variety of TV shows. With great luck, they hop right into their own interview scene.

Jonathan presses "freeze frame" on the TV remote, which freezes the killer in place. Then he slings him around the room by moving the remote like a wiimote. They both get stuck inside the TV world for a bit, then Jonathan uses the magical talisman to hop out through a video camera. None of it makes any sense.