Crucible of Terror (1971)

director: Ted Hooker
release-year: 1971
genres: horror
countries: UK
languages: English

A discordant brass orchestral track plays us in. A creepy red light strobes slowly and the fire of a forge flares up under the air of a bellows as a creepy old man with a long goatee roughly smears mud on a naked girl.

Mud is the technical term,

A red-hot crucible is removed from the oven and poured over the encrusted lady, giving us our film's title. The music is "international art theify", but it could pass for a murder mystery.

On the set of Terminator 2.

An rich old man who looks very much like the king of Sweden and who can't act whatsoever introduces us to the very poor quality of the speech track. It's muddy and clips a bit even at normal volume. The old man sets the stage for a plethora of actors who respond to each other unnaturally swiftly. The old man wants to buy this statue of a laying down naked woman, which we're presuming is the girl from the first scene. The art dealer informs him it has already sold, and he is quite upset about it.

It's actually never explained why he goes so nuts for it.

The rich old man sneaks in late at night to fondle the lady statue, and seemingly gets smothered to death by one of those plastic air pillows that they use as padding for packages. We don't see how this happens, but he seems to hallucinate some paintings while dying.

So ended the reign of Knugen.

The artist's drunkard of a son reluctantly tells the art dealer that he can setup a meeting with his reclusive father to talk about acquiring more pieces. The art dealer says "we can have a good old nag" as he hops into a car and drives off into the windy, barren, castle-peppered English countryside with the artist's son. They meet his mother and father on arrival, neither of whom are even slightly welcoming.

I don't know how England works, but I'm going to say this is the north.

Some woman is in several scenes, but I think they forgot to introduce her or explain why she is here? Her fourth scene is a supremely stupid "I think I'm being followed!" scene on some cliffs. Her friend teleports into the cliffs to save her, and I still don't know who she is.

Who are you, lady?

A whole bunch of people have dinner, a few of whom I can identify, and the artist calls his wife ugly and yells at her. He's only attracted to 20-somethings and aggressively pursues them. His wife is considerably older, but dresses like a child and always carries a doll or stuffed animal.

So really he's attracted to older women.

Mystery girl sees a fancy asian bowl in the artist's house and freaks out, saying something about blood and running off. Later she has a nightmare about somebody throwing a bowl of blood in her face, and it's all vaguely Japanese-themed. When she wakes up, that's when we can finally deduce that she's the art dealer's wife/girlfriend.

I can't recall if they told us that the statue girl was Japanese.

The artist makes out with his son's wife for a few second, then gets angry, and then she gets stabbed to death by a masked and gloved intruder seen neither by her nor the viewer. There's a long scene of close zoom-ins on a hand moving the body to the car, loading it in, and driving off.

It's a family of questionable morality.

The men go off to talk business. The artist knows his son has been stealing and selling off his paintings, and definitely doesn't appreciate it. He's not particularly keen on selling them directly to the dealer, either. He mysteriously agrees anyway, in exchange for cash on the spot.

I agree, but only to move the plot along!

The girls hang out at the beach. They explain what stores are to each other while the artist's model tries and fails to get the dealer's wife naked. This scene has no purpose other than to show two girls in bikinis.

The writer doesn't know how girls talk like.

The artist's son is prowling around the very same beach, and a mystery person beats him to death with a large rock.

He was also previously pelted with very small rocks.

The artist slow-chases the dealer's wife deep into some caverns. She's terrified of him because she heard him call her attractive? The artist's wife, who we haven't seen in quite some time, is prowling around the very same caverns.

He's really out for more of a stroll.

They all return to the house, oddly, and then wander around bickering and insulting each other for the rest of the day. Everybody gets strange and forgets how to communicate.

No time for logic, this is time for action.

The dealer's wife agrees to model for the artist, and they all bicker some more. Way, way too much. Somebody throws acid in the artist's girlfriend's face.

They hang out and have conversations in between the murders and chases.

They go running around in the caverns, and the dealer's girlfriend ends up kidnapped and prepped for being converted to a statue. But she suddenly wakes up as a droopy-faced zombie of the previously killed model. They battle with a welding torch, and then they both leap into the furnace.

Then somebody explains what happened, because it definitely wasn't obvious.